Planning a Staycation? Reserve Your Caravan Towing Course Now

Posted on Feb 12, 2016 by Prath520

Staycations have been growing as a popular holiday option in the UK for years. But new concerns over ISIS and travelling abroad are apparently encouraging more Brits to stay home this year. Caravan manufacturers and dealers report some of the strongest sales they have ever seen, with some dealers actually having sold every unit on..READ MORE

Why Towing a Horse Trailer Takes More Torque than Power

Posted on Feb 10, 2016 by Prath520

This is the time of year when horsebox trailer owners begin looking at new tow vehicles in preparation for the upcoming season. Trailer owners want to make sure they get a vehicle that is up to the challenge without spending more than they have to. That’s good. If you are in the market for a..READ MORE

Volkswagen Takes the Trailer Test to Next Level in New Video

Posted on Feb 03, 2016 by Prath520

The latest thing in driver assist technologies are systems that enable people with very poor reversing skills to successfully manoeuvre a trailer without damaging anything. Volkswagen is just one of the car manufacturers employing this new technology for 2016. They recently produced an incredible video to showcase what they are doing, a video that takes..READ MORE

Be Sure to Take the Car and Trailer Test BEFORE You Tow

Posted on Jan 22, 2016 by Prath520

You have recently purchased a brand-new caravan that you cannot wait to take on the road for a much-anticipated spring holiday. A few miles away, a friend is looking forward to his first year as a horse owner and hobbyist. He also has a brand-new horsebox trailer just waiting to be hooked up and towed...READ MORE

Towing Horse Trailers is Dodgy in Calais

Posted on Dec 23, 2015 by Prath520

Towing horse trailers can be dodgy under normal circumstances. So imagine approaching the docks at Calais knowing that there are thousands of migrants waiting to sneak aboard any vehicle they can manage to get access to. That is exactly what happened to one horsebox operator who unwittingly transported a Sudanese migrant through Calais and on..READ MORE

Think About Towing Lessons Now – Don’t Wait Until Spring

Posted on Dec 21, 2015 by Prath520

Winter officially arrives in the northern hemisphere on December 21 with the start of the winter solstice. Most of us are already scheming about ways to stay indoors and enjoy the warmth and comfort of home. Thoughts of spring haven’t even begun to enter our minds at this point. However, if you are planning to..READ MORE

That Moment You Wish You Had a Trailer Licence

Posted on Nov 30, 2015 by Prath520

Imagine driving down the road with your utility trailer in tow. You are taking some rubbish to the dump despite the fact that you do not have a trailer licence. But it’s no big deal as you’ve done this dozens of times before. Suddenly, you see something you have been dreading since the start of..READ MORE

3 Reasons Trailer Lessons Make a Great Christmas Gift

Posted on Nov 20, 2015 by Prath520

With the Christmas season almost upon us comes the annual exercise of trying to find gifts for our loved ones. Might we be so bold as to suggest trailer lessons as a great gift for anyone who owns a caravan, horsebox trailer, or cargo trailer? Lessons are a gift that benefits the recipient in so..READ MORE

Law on Towing Does Not Stop All Dangerous Driving

Posted on Nov 16, 2015 by Prath520

We cannot say for certain, but we are pretty sure that the law on towing in Spain does not make it okay to transport a large van from a scrap yard by stacking it on top of a Ford Focus. Apparently, though, that doesn’t matter. What we described actually happened recently in Segovia in central..READ MORE

We Can Train You to Pass Your Towing Test

Posted on Nov 02, 2015 by Prath520

Winter being just around the corner means trailer owners are beginning to park their vehicles for the season or even putting them in storage. Some will start thinking about their towing needs for next spring and summer; others will forget about towing until the temperatures warm up and the flowers start blooming. If you are..READ MORE


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